Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Watch out when he get's this look...

We're not sure exactly how many teeth he actually has, but we're pretty sure that he knows how to use them all!

Riddick reminds us a lot of Willie - he does a lot of non-verbal communication. When it's time to eat, he walks over to his bowl and looks at you. If you aren't paying attention, he starts a little whine/bark thing. When we're outside and he's ready to come in, he'll go part way toward the door, stop and sit down, then look over his shoulder at you - glance at the door, look at you, glance at the door, look at you. It's very, very cute. And he is starting to get the "go to the door and whine when I have to go" down pretty good.

Anyway, the whole fan damily thinks he's a pretty good pup. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

when did you guys get a new puppy??? is Jake jealous? ;-)