Monday, October 30, 2006

The dangers of fundamentalism on public policy

Seems like I've been down this road before, but I think Andrew Sullivan makes a much more reasoned argument here...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The RNC uses it's money to advertise for the other side...

"You have nothing to fear but fear itself." The RNC and the Rasputianian Karl Rove continue their Orwellian journey into the heart of darkness. This time it's a commerical that does more to promote the terrorist agenda than anything produced by Bin-Laden. Keith Olbermann lays the smackdown on this unbelievable use of the terrorist agenda to scare people into voting for them.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

A chronological refresher on the war in Iraq...

PBS's Frontline has some great material on the war in Iraq. This chronology of events is a nice rememberence of how we got where we are now.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Olbermann..... again, calling it out loud

Keith Olbermann continues to channel Edward R. Morrow.... here's his latest. And here's a little reason why what he says isn't "just talk".

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A small passage from Obama's new book

I'm returning again to the question of faith, religion and politics. This is an area that continues to pop up in different areas of my life and seems a source of some wisdom that I've yet to learn. Anyway, there is an interesting article on Obama from reflecting on how his rhetorical skills might provide the progressives with a framework with which to wage the 2008 campaign. Within this, however, is also a link to a Time article which quotes a passage from Obama's forthcoming book. Well worth the ten minutes it will take to read.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Follow the money...

That old axiom is as true today as it was in when Hal Holbrook uttered them as Deep Throat in "All the Presidents men..." SecrecyNow follows up on the recently enacted Transparency Act to see where the money is going.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bush and Co. and the falling price of gasoline

I have to admit that I considered idea that Bush & Co., and perhaps more specifically Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, were engineering the falling price of gasoline in anticipation of this fall's elections as a 1+1=2 equation. Like, duh? I do, occasionally, fall into an intellectual laziness that permits me to accept political conspiracy theories without much factual information. Then you read something like this and you see how easy it is to actually do (with the right connections) and what Goldman Sachs (formerly led by Paulson) recently did with respect to gas futures and, well, read it for yourself and decide what's possible and what's not.

Monday, October 02, 2006

And here is the Clinton / Wallace interview

... for your viewing pleasure.

Olbermann on the Clinton / Wallace interview

Well, it doesn't look like receiving an envelope full of white powder meant to appear as anthrax has dampened Mr. Olbermann's headlong charge into the belly of this administration... I do find it interesting that anti-Clintonites have latched on to to the Rovian "Howard Dean scream" spin to this interview. It's like the Rather story on Bush's activities during Vietnam - nobody questions the assertions, they just poke at the messenger.