Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bush and Co. and the falling price of gasoline

I have to admit that I considered idea that Bush & Co., and perhaps more specifically Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, were engineering the falling price of gasoline in anticipation of this fall's elections as a 1+1=2 equation. Like, duh? I do, occasionally, fall into an intellectual laziness that permits me to accept political conspiracy theories without much factual information. Then you read something like this and you see how easy it is to actually do (with the right connections) and what Goldman Sachs (formerly led by Paulson) recently did with respect to gas futures and, well, read it for yourself and decide what's possible and what's not.

1 comment:

Markus Allen said...

Excellent find how gas prices are related to election cycles... you might be interested in my article titled, Are gas prices predictable... pretty interested, eh?