Monday, April 17, 2006

A view from the bench on Roe vs. Wade...

An interesting article from USAToday on how the states breakdown in Row vs. Wade. This one is a little scary, but there is some hope as well. I can't help thinking that the shape of this debate is what really pisses me off. If we could do a better job with sex education and work harder to prevent unwanted pregnencies, we could have so much more impact on the results. But with the fundamentalist unwilling to give an inch on condoms and prevention - ala Reagan removing funding from international aid to countries supporting prevention - it's an "all-or-nothing" debate. And that isn't in anyone's best interest. I can't recall exactly, but I think Bush II went further on that... have to go back and do some research. Having had some experience with this decision on a personal level, I know what the choice means and how it haunts you long after. I know it was still the right decision, but an ounce of prevention there would made all the difference...

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